Main products list
Active SUL-B
It is specially designed to improve Black Sulphur bleaching, mainly in polyu- rethane/spandex fabrics. It activates Hydrogen Peroxide in a bleaching bath to provide the maximum bleaching efficiency at lower temperature.
Antifoam PTH
Reactive silicone antifoaming agent for general use without the normal problems suffered with conventional silicone antifoaming agents. It is very stable and easliy dispersable. Very efficent even at high temperatures.
Antistram CAT
Special agent to increase traction resistance. It can work also as elastane fibre protector.
Base Deterpal EP-Q series/Deterpal Ep-q new 700 (Surface active preparation/Abs/Desizing)
It is an universal dispersing antibackstaining agent. Specially recommended for jeans and denim article treatment, giving more bright results. Thanks its special formulation, it can help to preserve fabrics containing elastane
Base Novatex IN
Neutral base (no oxidant) of Novatex Moon. Used together with Novatex Moon to reduce decolorizing effect and to improve regularity of the effect on fabric.
Highly concentrated softener for natural and synthetic fibres.
Base WHI/Z
Universal softener especially recommended to treat bleached articles.
Catalyst CL NEW
Catalyst CL NEW is a special product able to activate reaction of Chlorine in Indigo bleaching with Sodium Hypochlorite. Less aggressive bleaching reducing considerably dosages of Hypochlorite: it is suitable for fabric containing polyurethane/spandex.
Catalyst IND-J
Catalyst for Remover IND/J Series
Catalyst IP
Resin cross-linking promoter. It is suitable for reducing temperature in the pigment applications and to improving fastness. It can be used also into CPD System (Cold Pigment Dyeing) and water repellency compound.
Catalyst PER
Catalyst PER is a powerful Potassium Permanganate activator to be used on denim Indigo or dischargeable dyestuffs. It reduces Potassium Perman- ganate dosage more than 50%.
Catalyst S-200
Resin cross-linking promoter. Suitable to be applied in conjunction a resins system for permanent creases effect on denim.
Chalk Look
Cold Pigment Dyeing with Novapret S-PF or NPF. In “Chalk look” effect on garments, sewing remains white or raw, like a straight line. Polymerization is not required.
Compound Laser Liq.
Compound ready to use specially formulated to obtain colored effects with laser.
Compound SR
Compound to obtain special effect with reactive dyes on machineries using atomization/nano bubbles systems. It can be used also for spray applications.
Deterlene C-PG
Specific detergent for cleaning dyestuff stains. Adequate to clean dyeing machine after pigment dyeing.
Deterpal AJ-T & Deterpal DW/LF
Non ionic, low foaming detergent/wetting agent for removing oil from cotton, PES/CO, PES, PA, etc.
Deterpal F33 – Optichem F33/CO
Detergent with dispersing properties for increasing the contrast after Stone Wash treatment of jeans. It improves the blue/white contrast, appearance and cleaning of the jeans. Also Optichem F33/CO Powder product version containing OBA is available.
Deterpal LFM
Low foaming detergent/wetting agent with ecological non-volatile solvents for degreasing synthetic and cellulosic fibres.
Deterpal S-PO
Derivated vegetables detergent and emulsifier agent for textile industry.
Deterpal TIM series
DETERPAL TIM is a powerful dispersing and antibackstaining agent for denim
Detersolv CA/85
Soaping auxiliary with dispersing proprieties for later treatment of dyeing and printing. Saving water consumption and time process.
Detersolv S-797 NEW
Special detergent to clean dyeing machinery.
Deterwet M A.C.
Excellent no-silicone wetting and antifoaming agent for preparation processes by exhaustion, Pad Batch or Pad Steam. Appropriate for water repellent finishing.
Dirty Colors
Dirty Color is a process that allows to modify the shades of cotton fibres, mainly of denim garments. It preserves better bluish shades of Indigo than conventional dyeing “dirty” processes.
Dispersolo AGED
Dispersolo AGED is a unique product to obtain natural “aged effect” on garment. It is an agent able to change the shade of cellulosic fibres, obtaining a special yellowish-brownish shade effect. Suitable to obtain “rusty effect”.
Dispersolo AS 40
Levelling auxilliary for cotton, polyamide and wool dyeing with difficult levelling.
Dispersolo O LIQ.
Non ionic, dispersing agent for general use.
Dispersolo PA/90
Levelling and migrating agent.
Ind Plus series
Ind Plus is a “ready to use” product containing real Indigo dyestuffs. It can be used on PFD garment to obtain genuine Indigo look. Bleaching, dischar- ge with Permanganate and enzyme wash are possible post-treatments.
Indigo blocker compound, it is excellent to be used on denim garments. It gives soft hand feel.
Intense CEL PLUS & Intense CEL PLUS 500
Finishing product for cellulosic fibres and blends that increases the shade intensity. It has lubricating properties.
Macrofinish MAW
Concentrated macro-emulsion of aminofunctional silicone for exhaustion and continuous processes.
Microfinish BP New & Microfinish BP/20
Silicone microemulsion based softener appropriate for exhaustion and continuous processes. Appropriate on all types of fabric. It improves elasticity and handle. It has lubricant properties also.
Microfinish HY/B
Lubricant preparation/softener/non ionic softener based on silicone microemul- sion, applicable in continuous and exhaustion processes with a low level of yellowing.It maintains fabric hydrophility offering a cool,fall and comfortable handle.
Microfinish STCH
Resin and amino-functional silicone emulsion compound to use on cellulo- sic and synthetic fibres improving elasticity. It imparts extraordinary elastici- ty, improving stretch properties.
Mordant OLD CONC
Concentrated mordant agent on cellulosic fibres, for carrying out superfi- cial dyeing with soluble Novawash dyestuffs. It is possible to use also with Novantic dyeing process.
Mordant OLD CT/AK V4.8
Mordant and cationizing agent for pigment dyeing.
Mordant OLD WASH & Mordant WASH B
Mordanting finishing agent for cellulosic fibres to obtain superficial dyeing effect with Direct, Reactive, Sulphur and Vat dyestuffs.
Mordant PM
Mordant agent for pigment dyeing in one bath.
Dyestuffs to obtain special vintage dyeing effect on machineries using nebulized fog systems. It works with ratio 1:1.
Nebuwet/V P & Nebuwet/V P SPRAY
Special pre-treatment for Nebudye process.
Noamin AZ NEW
Cationic softener/anti-static agent for finishing of jeans with a protective effect on the Indigo agents such as Ozone.
Noamin LST series
Aminofunctional silicone macroemulsion to use on cellulosic and synthetic fibres in pad-stenter.
Noamin PE NEW
Softener/lubricant based on non ionic polyethylene emulsion.
Novaclear CL
Thickener for modifying the rheology of corrosion pastes with Sodium Hypochlorite. It can be also used as thickener for Caustic Soda solution.
Novaclear S-35
Synthetic thickener for pigmentary printing.
Novafast A-YO
Washing preparation and finishing agent developed for antiyellowing effect. It can minimize yellowing caused by ozone or nitrogen oxides.
Novafoamer EXTRA
Novafoamer EXTRA is a timing stable foaming agent for random bleaching effect with Chlorine.
A complete dischargeable dyestuffs range. Also to be used in combination with Novapret P-MS for dischargeable CPD effect.
Novalac XC PLUS
Enzymatic laccase formulated specifically for discolouring jeans at low temperature, as a substitute for Hypochlorite. High contrast and bleaching effect. Ecological discolouring of jeans.
Novalase LT 40
Alpha Amylase derivative enzyme for removing starch based sizers and it blends.
Novamet is a special selection of coloured pigments to obtain unique “sand effect”. This is a very superficial effect, with very natural touch. After abrasion garment appears naturally aged.
Novantic series are a combination of selected dyestuffs with a special mordanting agent suitable to obtain superficial dyeing to offer a “vintage” effect. It is able to obtain a complete exhaustion to ensure a good reprodu- cibility batch to batch. Vintage look is very similar to pigment dyeing. Light Fastness is 4 – 5. No dirty machinery and stripping is possible.
Novaperle 606 & Novaperle F62 CONC.
C6 microencapsulated fluorocarbon emulsion that offers a water and oil repelling effect on all kinds of fibres.
Novaperle FCF & Novaperle FF3
100% Fluorocarbon derivate free agent that offers a water repelling effect on cotton and its blends.
Novapret 3DF
It is a compound developed to improve scrapability on garments and denim.
Novapret AP-V & Novapret AP-V PLUS
Finishing agent chemical preparation. Special compound to get stiff handle effect on garments and fabrics.
Novapret Glass series
Compound “all-in-one” to obtain colored leather effect without press, by polish only. No need catalyst.
Novapret KOR/Mn
Novapret KOR/Mn is a powered product in Gel form that removes dischar- geable colours or Indigo in easy way. It is used for garment and denim special decolorizing finishing. It works in a cold temperature system, saving water and energy.
Novapret NFC/LT
It is an innovative Formaldehyde free reactive resin, self-catalyzed, that cures at low temperature. It is suitable for “wash&wear” finishings and for permanent 3D creases on garments and denim. Bleachable resin with Chlorine up to light shades.
Novapret OIL
Ready to use preparation based on resins to obtain “oil” effects on fashion garments and denim. Typical dirty effects of the “mechanical workshop”, with oily handfeel.
Novapret P-MS
Cationizing agent for dyeing with conventional dyestuffs or Novakor series.
Novapret PD LUC-NEW & Novapret PD LUC 500/N
Transparent chemical preparation, based on self-reactive polyurethan resins, to obtain brilliant leather-like effects, without calendaring/press machine or polishing. Possible to add any pigment for shining coloured look.
Novapret S-PF
Novapret S-PF is a new self-cross linking compound. Very soft handle and curing at room temperature. Oven is not necessary. Formaldehyde free.
Novapret Sand series
Compound ready to use to obtain special dirty effects on garments. It works in a dry system, saving water and energy.
Novapret TALC
It is a special compound to obtain special MUD or Talc effects on garments.
Novapret W013
Polyurethane resin for the textile industry, exempt from free Isocyanate.
Novastone L CONC.
Acid Cellulase enzyme for antipilling treatment (biopolishing) on cellulosic fibres mainly cottons.
Novastone Multi & Combi
Enzymatic powerful compound for desizing and abrasion of denim garments in only one-phase with excellent contrast. Suitable to work also as neutral enzyme at cold temperature.
Novastone Ncl series
New enzyme for denim abrasion at low temperature. It is also used as antipilling.
Novastone NEBU & NCL/E
Low water effective concentrated enzyme for cellulose biopolishing at neutral pH and cold temperature with excellent results.
Novastone Neutral MR & Novastone BX Series
Concentrated neutral cellulase for denim treatment, partially or totally substituting pumice stone. It contains a strong buffer system
Novatex Moon
Novatex Moon is a powered product used to achieve unique acid wash finishing. It is used for garment and denim “worn” decolorizing finishing in powder form. It is a short process and it works in a dry system at cold temperature, saving water and energy.
Novawash series represents special dischargeable dyeing system to obtain colored “denim look”. A combination of selected dyestuffs, with a special mordanting agent, permits to obtain a very superficial effect with very contrasted dyeing. Post-treatments with pumice stone, Potassium Permanganate, acid wash, Novatex Moon, Novapret KOR/Mn, Remover series are possible.
Novocryl DMS series
It is based on acrylic polymers to apply in finishing and printing, woven and non woven fabric. It can be also applied in conjunction a reactive or glyoxalic resins for permanent creases effect. Good fastness to domestic washing.
Novocryl S-TGD
Dispersion of acrylic polymer in aqueous emulsion, recommend for textile finishing processes. Dry and stiff touch, with shiny look.
Novocryl S/TP NEW & Novocryl S-TP FF
It is a thermo-adhesive compound suitable for patch! Due its composition water-based, Novocryl S/TP gives soft and elastic hand feel.
Novofinish PDA
Compound “all-in-one” to obtain vintage bicolored garments in one phase. It can be used in machineries using atomization/nano bubbles systems.
Novofix F383 & Novofix DIE
Indigo fixing agent for cellulosic fibres. It is also possible to use as a fixing agent of direct dyestuffs.
Novofix FF & Novofix SF
Formaldehyde free fixing agent for Direct, Reactive and Sulphur dyestuffs.
Novofix FP NEW
Auxiliary for pigments fixation during dyeing processes. Indigo fixing agent for cellulosic fibres. It decreases abrasion effect during “Stone Washing”. It is Formaldehyde free.
Novofix WRI-S
It is a special fixing agent to increase rubbing fastness for all kinds of cotton fabrics. It is suitable to improve rubbing fastness especially on dark shades dyed with Indigo, Sulphur, Reactive and Pigment. Also it can be applied to improve rubbing fastness on printed fabrics. It can increase 1 to 2 points the wet rubbing fastness.
Novolube PAN
Non foaming anti-creasing agent for preparation, dyeing, finishing proces- ses for all fibres.
Novopol SE 550 powder
Surface active preparation and antibackstaining agent
Novopol SE 580
Non ionic, concentrated dispersing agent in powder form. It is also a good anti-backstaining on denim.
Novoprint Devorè
Product to add on printing paste based on guar in order to obtain devorè effect on polyester-cotton, polyester-viscose, silk-cotton items.
Novoprint range
Pigments series for dyeing and printing.
Novowhite FW
Compound to obtain white effect. Very soft touch.
NoWater Gel Dyeing
Colours in eco-way. NoWater Dyeing is a new dyeing process in gel form. Ecological process: no residues in the water treatment plant.
Oxitase 200-J
Catalase for eliminating the remains of Peroxide after bleaching.
Permacol SGL
Non-foaming special compound to imrpove reproducibility and levelness of reactive dyeings. It is also active on the surface of the fibers.
Perox 3HC
Auxiliary for cellulosic fibres bleaching in H2O2 baths, with good wetting, detergent, stabilizer and low foam formation.
Printlake Metal
Is a range of products ready to use to obtain metal effect by printing,coating or spray application. Metal colours range includes neutral Pearl (to be coloured with any pigment),Silver,Gold and Copper.Great soft handfeel and very high rubbing fastness.
Printlake S-110
Reserving printing with Reactive, Acid and Disperse dyestuff. Soft hand and elastic film.
Printlake S-PAF
Elastic, colourable and covering lacquer “ready to use” (water based) for printing on garments. Cure at room temperature. PVC, Phthalates, APEO and Formaldehyde free. White also available.
Printlake S-PEACH
Special compound to obtain coloured Peach skin effect. Also spray application is possible.
Printlake S-PF
Compound ready to use for tridimensional “Puff” elastic effect with pigments.
Printlake S-T EXTRA
White covering lake. Extremely soft handle and high film elasticity.
Protex EL-AN
Finishing agent to increase traction resistance. It can work also as elastane fibre protector.
Protex ZIP/LF is a inhibitor of metal corrosion. It avoids stains caused by zips, press studs and buttons, in dyeing or washing of garments.
Prowash LH
Neutral or slightly alkaline Protease enzyme for preparation and finishing of wool and natural silk fabrics.
Reducer KM ECO
It is a new neutralizing compound auxiliary to be used as post-treatment in Indigo or Sulphur corrosion/discharge processes. It is less hazardous neutralizer compared usual in the market, as it contains biodegradable substances in the formulation. It can be used to neutralize Remover IND/J-N and Smart Bleach.
Reducer MG
Reducer MG (Hydroxylamine derivatives) is a powered Sodium Hypochlo- rite and Permanganate neutralizer compound auxiliary. It is used for denim and garments treatment. Very bright and whitish results compared common neutralizing agents. Avoiding yellowish and odors free.
Remover BC
Laser activator. Special compound to increase laser effect.
Remover IND/J Remover I-TOW (Chemical Preparation-Oxidizing Agent for Decolourization)
It is a compound, Permanganate free, suitable to obtain discharging effect on denim (Indigo and black). No need any tumbler dryer or temperature to be activated.
Sequestrante 540
Iron and Calcium dispersing and sequestering agent, specially in alkaline medium.
Smart Bleach
It is an innovative bleaching system at cold temperature, for sustainable bleaching in nebulized closed machineries.
ZF 3D System
ZF Creases System is an innovative resination process Formaldehyde free for 3D permanent effect creases on denim and fashion garments. Thanks to its innovative components DMDHEU (Glyoxal) free, ZF Creases System ensures total resistance of fabrics and 3D permanency.